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  • Technical: Reconnect from any client W2k3
    Answer: If you want to reconnect from any client on W2k3, please import the attached registry key (reconnect-from-any-client-w2k3.reg ). ...
  • Technical: Redirect keyboard input to server
    Answer: If you want redirect your keyboard input to the remote computer, please select the "On the remote computer" field as you can see on following ...
  • Technical: Reduce bandwidth
    Answer: You can reduce RDP bandwidth usage with following possibility :Turn of desktop background and animations etc. on the RDP clients experience tab before connecting.And turn ...
  • Technical: Webcam over RDP
    Answer: To redirect your webcam from a client computer to XP/VS server, follow the steps below. Sometimes local microphone and video access is disabled by default due to ...
  • Technical: Shutdown menu Windows 7
    Answer: On Windows Server 2008 R2 the shutdown menu is active in startmenu for Administartors, also if you log in via RDP. On Windows 7 it is ...
  • Technical: Single session per user
    Answer: In the default settings users are limited to only one parallel Remote Desktop Session. You can allow multiple parallel Remote Desktop Sessions per user by ...
  • Technical: Smart card redirection
    Answer: You can enable this option, by doing the following steps : Run Remote Desktop Connection (mstsc.exe) Go to the "Local Resources" Tab Click on the More.. button in ...
  • Technical: Start remote applications with RDP client
    Answer: If you want run a program on remote machine after connecting with Remote Desktop please do the following: enable the "Start the following program on connection" ...

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